Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pets, when are they old enough?

Yesterday was the beginning of a new chapter in the life of Ethan and Ava. They both received Guinea Pigs. We were lucky enough to find some for free on Craig's List and so far so good. The lady we got them from drove from Goldsboro and met us at Parker's in Wilson and we had to pay nothing for the cage, feed, shavings and everything the goes with it. I figured it was a good investment and would teach them some responsibilities on pet care for the puppy that is still way off into the future. This morning, Emily thought it would be a great idea to let the m run loose in Ethan's room...well...that turned into an hour of me trying to round them up and put them back into the cage.

Ethan and I went fishing last weekend and Ethan caught a pretty good sized bass. He was so excited. We are about to go fishing in a little bit, so maybe I will have more photos. For now, I will leave you with the newest members of our family, Prince Scooty and the Duke of Pooty :-)

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